Bromeliads(Guzmania lingulata, Neoregelia carolinae,Vriesea splendens, and other varieties)
Bromeliads are fun plants that produce beautiful straplike foliage and lovely tropical flowers. However, Bromeliads are desired most for their dazzling colorful bracts that surround the blooms. Their flowers and bracts can last from several weeks to several months, depending on the species. As the flower gradually dies back, the ‘mother’ plant will send out several offsets called ‘pups’ around its base. Pups can be carefully removed and repotted into individual containers once they reach about one-third the size of the parent plant. Bromeliads are easy to care for and make great starter plants. |
Allow the soil to dry 2/3 of the way down the container before watering thoroughly. Keeping the central cup filled with water is generally unnecessary when indoors. Bromeliads are prone to root rot, so never let the soil rest in standing water. Reduce watering to about once every two to three weeks during winter.